500m straight racing begins – Day 6

Today was a great day for us after yesterday’s disappointment. We raced just after 10am in our heat 1 of 3 for Masters 70 Women in the straight 500m. We knew we had to come first or second to go straight through to the final. We came in second so big relief as we are straight into the final tomorrow at 11:37am. Here’s hoping the tropical storm coming in from the south doesn’t hit before Saturday!

We have been truely blessed with the weather. It’s been mainly fine with misty rain. The downpours have come at night.

Loading into the waka was again a bit troublesome even though they were able to turn the waka sideways for the first time. I caught my leg under the seat and am now looking for the arnica. We were one of the first waka to load out and had a relaxed run up to the end. Penny got us beautifully positioned to make our approach for the white flag to the start line. There was a bit of raruraru in the lanes next to us. Our crew has done a fantastic job of keeping our heads in our waka right from warm up to finish. There is a lot of chatter all around us but we don’t get pulled into it.

None of us can remember much of the race so focussed were we:) We were non ama side to the Yellow flag which, in the slightly misty conditions this morning, was a little hard to see. We had a strong start, a good middle and a great finish. I’m so proud of my crew. There was much jubilation when we got off the water and got the results.

When your head is in the waka and in the race, it’s very hard to figure out where you finish. The finish line is on such an angle that adds to the challenge. Here are the results from the 3 heats. First 2 from the heat go to the final, next 2 go into the repercharge and the first 2 from the repercharge go to the final.

Other crews racing today – 500m straight

Te Waka Pounamu – Aotea got 2nd in the repercharge and got through to the final.
Whakatū Marae – VO2 got 2nd in their heat and hopefully went straight through to the semis tomorrow.
Te Waka Pounamu – Aoraki Matatu got 7th in their heat.
Mars, paddling for Te Paerangi got 1st in the repercharge and so is thru to the final.

Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama

We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.