Waka bookings & crew organisation using Teamer

Waka bookings & crew organisation using Teamer
All Waka bookings are now done via Teamer
We use an online system called Teamer to organise crews and to book waka. You will be asked to give your email when you sign up as a member and that will be added to the contact list in Teamer.
Only approved steerers can book OC6 or OC2 waka and they will use the Teamer system to organise their crews. There is an app you can download to smart phones and iPhones which will help you respond more easily.
How Teamer works:
Accepting or declining Teamer invitations
No teamer booking, no waka
If you do not book a waka through Teamer there is no guarantee that when you arrive at the ramp there will be a waka available for you. All bookings have to be made through this system.
Player of the Day
If you don't want your crew members to receive a follow up email asking them to vote for their 'Player of the Day' you have to change the 'Disable Player of the Match poll' button from No to YES.
Please put your return time in the Notes box
Most of us have been forgetting to add the return time for the waka in the Notes box. With Winter paddling this is less important as there have been few occasions when waka have been used one after the other, but in Spring and Summer it is good practice to do this.
Use the notes box for waka preference
In the same box you should note if you have a preference for any particular waka. We do, though, have to be realistic about accommodating this request as it is unreasonable to expect other crews to try to pull waka from the back of the parking spaces to leave your choice free.
Notification Emails
As every club member receives a notification email (we can't disable this function) when you change your status from Accept to Decline please err on the side of caution before Accepting an invite to paddle if there is a reasonable degree of doubt as to whether you can make it. Of course there are always occasions when a change of plans is unavoidable.
Any questions or problems let us know and we will try to fix them.
You can save particular crews/squads so that when you create recurring events you can add the same crew and standby members without having to start from scratch every time. If you want to create a regular crew on Teamer email Tony on [email protected] with a list of crew members and the team name. Only do this if it's a regular crew and regular booking.