Ice Breaker 2023
Dunedin, 3rd-4th June
Get out the thermals, it’s Ice Breaker time again, organised by Fire In Ice Outrigger Canoe Club in Dunedin.
The event its sanctioned so you MUST enter through Maitahi OCC. If you are interested in going as an individual or crew you will need to pay entry fees to the club and notify Zoe at [email protected] . If you need a club canoe (though you should be able to get one locally) please contact Tony at [email protected]
The WANZ event page is at :
Message below from race organisers :
Kia ora koutou,
We’re busy planning another awesome IceBreaker event – on the 3rd and 4th of June. https://www.wakaama.co.nz/racecalendar/lookup/2104
We will likely have club waka available for most races, so please reach out if you need any hireage.
We have a few new additions/changes to the format, so we’d love for you to pass this info on to your clubs.
- 10km W6 open race – we have previously limited the W6 10km distance to novice crews only, but are opening this to open crews as well as keeping the novice division. There are no age divisions for W6 10km racing, just open and novice (womens, mens, mixed).
- 20km long-course distance for all Divisions – mens, womens, mixed will all race the same course!
- 500 metre sprints – this is intended to be a bit of fun to finish off Saturday racing, and format will largely depend on the weather and entries. Age categories from tamariki upwards, we hope this will be super fun and accessible for all paddlers! As IceBreaker has a single race entry charge, there is no additional fee for the sprints if you are racing in another race. For any tamariki only racing in the sprints, we’re happy to waive the entry fee, please just make sure they are WANZ affiliated (and let us know so we can calculate the correct entry fee for your club!).
Let us know if any questions or there is anything we can assist with – looking forward to another great event!
Ngā mihi,
Fire in Ice Outrigger Canoe Club
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