All seven of the Krakenz crew have travelled safely and landed in the UK and we have already been having a mini adventure before the World Championship begins this week.
We took possession of our van and our house after a nasty drama which involved Air BnB cancelling our booking just a few weeks before arrival. We found an alternative which has actually worked out much better as it is in Maidenhead, far closer to the venue.
We have been eating pretty well with former chef Jason Daughtrey at the helm and everyone else chipping in.

Our time has been spent doing gym sessions and paddling at Royal Canoe Club in Teddington, a 50 minute journey into London. They have been very kind and helpful to us with access to the gym, the dreaded erg room and their V6. We have paddled up to Hampton Court (didn’t see Liz) and down to Teddington Lock, all in bright sunshine.

We also had a trip to the seaside and were hosted by an amazing group of paddlers at Shoreham Outrigger canoe Club. We had a paddle out in the English Channel, watched the All Blacks get battered in a pub, and enjoyed a great dinner with a load of club members. A big shout out to Chris, John, Phil , Eva, Stu and everyone else who looked after us for the day. We will look forward to seeing them in Nelson.

We have done a lot more stuff as well, including playing Jenga, drinking coffee, paddling at Henley, drinking coffee. And drinking coffee.

Well that’s it for now. More exciting tales when we actually get to the venue and start doing some racing.
Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.