The current ordering system with our club apparel supplier, Probrands, is proving to be somewhat clunky and makes it difficult to order any shirts or other gear at short notice. We are examining the possibility of moving to another supplier to make the ordering process somewhat smoother. The committee is also viewing the change of supplier as a chance to update the shirt design.
One of the potential new suppliers is Kapinua, based in Levin, who provide kit for a number of waka ama clubs both locally and nationally. Whether we choose Kapinua or not, their website has a design tool to allow clubs or individuals to design their own gear. Those of you who have seen the Krakenz fashion line for World Championships 2022 – it was designed on this site.
So…. we are going to throw the design floor open to club members for the next month (until February 12th) to come up with a design for the new club race shirt. Here are a few hints to help you get going :
The login is email : [email protected] and the password is maitahiocc
Please remember to log out once you have finished playing. This is just a temporary dummy login to allow people to use the design tool and save the designs in the same place.
If you click on the Sports section on the main toolbar you will find Waka Ama in the drop down. Click on that and choose one of the shirt templates (the fabric chosen will automatically be the best one for paddling). The ones below look good.

This will then take you to the design page where you can choose colours, add graphics and text etc. In the My Graphics section of Graphics are two versions of the club badge designed to be applied to white or dark backgrounds. Remember that the club colours are red, white, black. Many of the other graphics cannot have colours changed etc but you can import your own graphics.
I have saved a hastily made example which you can copy and play with. I’m not keen on spending a whole lot of time providing advice on how the design tool works so have a play with it and if desperate let me know.

Once we have a selection of designs we will put them out to vote and choose the best one. If we choose Kapinua as the supplier then we can just get them to make the shirts, if not we can take screenshots of the design and take it elsewhere. Good luck !
Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.