Those hardy souls who are responsible for organising waka and sending out invitations to members for crews that go out once, twice or sometimes three times a week, spend a fair amount of time getting things organised on Teamer.
Having just gone on there to do a bit of maintenance work, I realised that quite a few of you are missing out on a short cut that can cut a huge chunk of work out of one of the most time-consuming parts of creating an event. I know that quite a few of you, once you have created the event, plough through the entire membership list of more than 100 people, to find the individuals you want to invite to paddle.
When you go to do your invitations the default setting is that All club members are shown on the ‘Available’ list as shown below :

If I create a Group for you and add specific members to it (more can be added at any time or people taken off it) then when you click on that Group in the drop down box, it will select only those members you have chosen. Our Krakenz group has only the 8 paddlers in our squad. This saves you having to plough through over 100 members to find them each time.

If you want to create a Group for a crew that paddles regularly just email me on [email protected] with the group name and the list of people you want on it and it will save you a heap of time on every booking.
Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.