Below is the waka allocation for WTT.
Friday :
W2 – Jacqueline de Jong & Fi Lankshear : Anihau
W2 – Linda Heath & Karen Clark : Te Wairua o te Kauwau
Saturday :
Ohana – NMW
Aorere – Hine Tahi
Ararau – Mussels
Nga Iti Tangata – Te Paerangi (Mars Dempster team)
Tuhirangi – Waka Wahz – Tai Tonga Wellington (Marnie Barber)
Mangoripi – Tai Tonga Wellington (Sarah Townsend)
Ohana – Krakenz
Loading is scheduled for Thursday 14th November at 5.30pm and we need as many hands as possible. There will be 5 x OC6 to load onto two trailers as well as 2 x OC2 onto the small trailer. If you have any issues with your allocation email Tony on
Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.