World Championships Qualification News

Below is latest information from WANZ :

Kia ora koutou
We are pleased to be able to provide you with information, outlining the qualification process for the 2022 World Club Championship in London. 

Waka Ama New Zealand will be facilitating a very similar process to what has happened for the last 2 World Club Championships; 

  • Clubs will submit intents for those teams that wish to be considered for qualification. Intents close on 13th December 
  • An intent fee is due along with the intent. – clubs will be invoiced for all team intents.
  • Once the intent deadline is closed if there are more than 6 teams in a division then a qualifying event will take place 
  • Currently, qualification will take place at Club Sprint Nationals. Should Sprint Nationals not go ahead due to COVID then Waka Ama NZ will organise another qualification event opportunity. 
  • W1 qualification will take place as per previous years from results from Nationals to fill the Quota that NZ has been allocated
  • The Intent process will be done online this time via the Club Online entry system (as per Sprint Nationals, LDNS etc). Club reps will need to log into the WANZ member system and complete the intents on behalf of the club 
  • Once the intents close – clubs will be invoiced for all team intents.

Attached is a full timeline of the process as well as information being available on the following link We will prepare an FAQ document and share answers to the questions that we receive so that everyone can be kept informed.
Information Session Waka Ama NZ will host an information session for anyone who wishes to attend on Wednesday 17th November via Zoom. This is an opportunity for us to share all the information have as well as answer questions. We know there there are lots of questions regarding the World Sprints, especially related to the COVID environment that we are living in and we want to ensure that clubs enter intents will a full understanding of all the information. Further information about this session will be sent separately. Vaccinations We have been advised by the International Va’a Federation that under the current COVID environment, attendees of the 2022 IVF World Sprint Championship could expect that full vaccination may be required. This is to protect everyone at the event.
Should anyone be wanting to qualify to attend the World Sprints we would recommend getting vaccinated if not already. 

Please find below links to COVID health and vaccine information. 

Ministry of Health COVID Website 
Immunisation Advisory Centre
COVID-19 Website (Vaccines)
Te Rōpu Whakakaupapa Urutā
Vaccination Information Webinar with Dr Matire Harwood, Dr Anthony Jordan and Dr Jamie-Lee Rahiri

Please read all the information and let us know if you have any questions. 
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Information about the New Zealand Elite Selection Process will follow in a few days. 
Please stay safe 
Ngā mihi 

Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama

We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.