After such atrocious weather on Friday and Saturday, the kōmiti were grateful to see the sunshine. A great turn out of all clubs and a nice way to welcome our new Maitahi whānau to racing. True to form though, the wind picked up as the morning progressed and brought with it an interesting bank of fog. At one stage Motu Mānuka(Haulashore Island) was difficult to see, and did anyone feel the earthquake at 12:35?
We managed to get all races completed and accumulated a lot of club points today. Although it’s not really about points, the day is about whanaungatanga and there was plenty of that today.
However just a wee update on points…
In total we made 3,100 points AND Carol earnt 1,000 of them in her OC1. Go Carol!
Our Rangatahi and Tamariki crews made 1,250 points and then everyone contributed to another 850 points. But no-one was catching Motueka today with a grand total of 26,144! What an outstanding club effort. Congratulations Motueka.
Whether you did a little today or you did a lot, your contribution was felt and helped to make today great, so thank you everyone!
Kiri Wahanui
Club President 2022, Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club

Te Tauihu o te Waka-a-Māui Winter Series SCOREBOARD 2022
Race 1 @ 9:30 | 1st – 1,000 | 2nd – 500 | 3rd – 250 |
OC 1 – m | Motueka | TToA | TToA |
OC 1 – w | MOCC | ||
OC2 | OWAC | MOCC | |
Rangatahi | Motueka | MOCC | Motueka |
Tamariki | Motueka | MOCC | MOCC |
Rangatahi V1 | Motueka |
Race 2 @ 10:15 | 1st – 1,000 | 2nd – 500 | 3rd – 250 |
Men | Motueka | TToA | OWAC |
Women | Waikawa | Motueka | TToA |
Race 3 @ 11:00 | 1st – 1,000 | 2nd – 500 | 3rd – 250 |
Mixed | Motueka | TToA | Motueka |
Race 4 @ 11:45 | 1st – 200 pp | 2nd – 100pp | 3rd – 50pp |
Club mixed | WaikawaOWACWaikawaTToAMotuekaMOCC | MotuekaMOCCWaikawaOWACMotuekaMotueka | MotuekaMotuekaMotuekaMOCCOWACOWAC |
Club | Event 1 | Event 2 | Event 3 | Event 4 | Total |
Motueka | 7550 | 2250 | 8694 | 7,650 | 26,144 |
TToA | 3000 | 5800 | 5042 | 2,400 | 16,242 |
Waikawa | 2350 | 5800 | 1133 | 1,500 | 10,783 |
MOCC | 2350 | 1650 | 126 | 3,100 | 7,226 |
OWAC | 1950 | 450 | 842 | 1,650 | 4,892 |
Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.