On top of the two bronzes won yesterday by Jeff Neilson and Pete Bywater, Maitahi has another 5 to add to the trophy cabinet. Jason Daughtrey, Tony Davies, Seb Head, Sean Timoney and Shane Winterton went to the podium to get their gongs thanks to a third place in the V12 Master 50 in a combined crew with Horouta. And it was agonisingly close to being silver, with the smallest possible recordable margin, one hundredth of a second, separating second and third places. That’s probably less than the width of the sharp end of a hoe !

Not great variety of pictures today as the photographer had other things on his mind but a few other results to tell you about.
Jan Blythe’s Aratika crew took out first place in their V6 500m turns race in Master 70 meaning they progress straight through to the semi finals. Well done Jan.
Mars Dempster’s Taranaki crew placed 6th in their V12 500m Master 50 final.
Greg Buck’s Ratana Paa crew unfortunately had a DQ in the Master 60 V6 1000 turns race.
Dinner tonight is a Mexican extravaganza produced by Sean and Zoe. We haven’t had it yet so I can’t comment but it smells delicious in the preparation stage, so hopes are high !
Semi finals and heats galore tomorrow, so stay tuned. There will be plenty of Maitahi red shirts on show from tomorrow as Krakenz have their opening 1000m turns heat. Only first place goes through automatically so the heat is on !
Just to give you a preview of the untold glamour in red that is coming your way soon, we asked this young Welsh lady to model a shirt for us.

Stop Press/Hold the Front Page – while no pictures are available of the Mexican feast as the photographer couldn’t get his nose out of the salsa long enough to take a snap, here is an exclusive picture of the chocolate and berry brioche pudding knocked up by Pete Bywater. It contains enough sugar to kill an elephant but was beyond delicious.

Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.