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Tuna e Hoe Ana

With just a month to go until our annual race at Lake Rotoiti on 11th-12th February, and with two weeks to go until entries close, it is looking like TEHA...

Beach Fun Day Saturday 8th at 9.00

Just a quick reminder that the singles and doubles crowd will be gathering again at 9am on Saturday 8th January for more fun down at the beach. There's more opportunity...

Fun in the Sun

We broke a long sequence of bad luck with weather for club gatherings on Sunday, with blue sky, sunshine and barely a breath of wind throughout the morning at Tahunanui...
Lined up ready to go

Single and double fun morning at Tahunanui beach – Sunday 2nd

Just a reminder that the club has organised a fun morning on Sunday 2nd January starting at 09.00 at Tahunanui beach. Sean Timoney has organised the club single and two...

Fun mornings at the beach – 2nd & 8th January

On Sunday 2nd and Saturday 8th at January at 09.00 we are trying to get as many owners of single and double waka to meet at Tahunanui beach for a...

TEH Entries Ramping Up – Don’t Delay !

Entries from North Island clubs to Tuna e Hoe on 11th-12th February are reaching unprecedented levels, with 9 crews already having entered and the prospect of more to come in...
Image 21-12-21 at 08.19

Teamer short cut for crew organisers

Those hardy souls who are responsible for organising waka and sending out invitations to members for crews that go out once, twice or sometimes three times a week, spend a...

Waka allocation and payment – Tuna e Hoe

Having gone through the waka allocation process for the first time for Waka te Tasman we learned a few things about what works and what does not work. There's going...

Moturoa-Rabbit Island (sort of) paddle

Sport has its various 'Holy Grails' of ultimate achievement : Doubles, Triple Crowns, .400 batting average, Grand Slams and (my favourite) the Impregnable Quadrilateral. But surely none of them have...
Maitahi Club racing singlet

Club paddle is on for Saturday

We have three waka with skirts on ready for action in the morning. The plan is still to head to Moturoa-Rabbit Island but the forecast is for 7-10kt SW winds...

Don’t delay with your Tuna e Hoe entries !

Just a few days after sending out invitations to every club in NZ we already have three confirmed North Island entries. If this continues it could be a record number...

Club Paddle to Moturoa-Rabbit Island

The early forecast for Saturday is for light Northerlies with the chance of a shower, so hopefully a decent day to paddle and eat some BBQ. We will make a...

Tuna e Hoe Ana 2022 crew formation and club waka

Invitations went out last week to every club in New Zealand for next year's Tuna e Hoe race at Lake Rotoiti on 11th-12th February. We have had immediate responses from...
Ready for action

Te Kāhui Whiria paddle trip

Casey Anderson's numerous karakia for good weather managed to overcome my unfortunate ability to inflict torrential rain and wind on any planned club paddling activity and on Weds 8th December...
Image 9-12-21 at 10.04

New Club Waka Ordered

Our new lightweight carbon OC6 has been ordered. The Puakea Malolo weighs in at around 65kg and will arrive in club colours. Not shown on the picture is that the...
mangopare 1

Club Paddle to Moturoa-Rabbit Island

In line with the club's decision not to implement Vaccination Pass checking for internal club activities, the gathering on 18th December for the paddle and BBQ will not be asking...
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MOCC Covid Protection Framework

Kia ora koutou ngā kaihoe o Maitahi, The majority of the kōmiti met today and discussed the current traffic light system. After a lot of discussion, those present unanimously agreed...

Sustainable Coastlines Cleanup

Thanks to the club members, led by Katie Thurston, who braved the rain and gloom to head to Haulashore Island and do the hard mahi. Brief report below Sustainable coastlines...