It’s not always the case that we know what’s going on around the club as we, quite understandably, are focused on our own crew activities. So here’s a ‘shout out’ to the three crews and the V1 singles paddlers who have been training hard on their sprint campaigns which now head into the final phase with South Island regionals next weekend followed quickly by Nationals at Lake Karāpiro in mid January.
Over the winter there have been regular visits to the gym for strength and conditioning work, endless lengths of the marina to practise starts, processes and just to get the lungs burning and, increasingly, visits to the Best Island pond to work on turns. On that point, a big thanks to the Sunday paddle organisers who gave the thumbs up for Mangoripi to be permanently based up there until the sprint campaigns finish. It’s a massive help to the crews to be able to nail down their turns in the type of waka, a mahi-mahi, that will be used at Nationals.
Singles Paddlers – V1 rudderless:
We have a number of paddlers competing for quota spots in various age groups in the V1 rudderless 500m sprint.
Snr Master Men – W1 500 (Quota 5 for the region): Gary Boaz, Seb Head, Cliff Saxton
Snr Master Women – W1 500 (Quota 4 for the region): Linda Heath
Master 70 Women – W1 500 (Quota 4 for the region): Carol Hunter
We also have a number of paddlers doing the 250m dash (for a chance to get into the Regional W12)
Linda & Carol for the women & for the men; Gary Boaz, Seb Head, Cliff Saxton, Jason Daughtrey, Evan Hodson.
Crews for W6:
The three crews heading south to Christchurch next weekend and then North to Karāpiro are :
Krakenz (Men’s 50) : Jason Daughtrey, Steve Ransby, Seb Head, Gary Boaz, Evan Hodson, Cliff Saxton. Sean Timoney may not be able to get to Karāpiro but has been and will be a key member of the team.
Hine Tahi (Women’s 40) : Suzy Garlick, Julie Marriott, Jenn Arai, Jody Hughes, Fi Lankshear, Liz Van Beek, Simone Newsham
Ruby Tuesdays (Women’s 70) : Penny Molnar, Joyce Thevanaz, Carol Hunter, Jan Blythe, Heather Law. Lynette Campbell is filling in for Rongomai Flavell at regionals. Rongomai will be paddling at Nationals.

Best of luck from everyone else at the club and we will all be with you in spirit on your journeys.
Its never too early or too late to start paddling waka ama
We always welcome new members to the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club.
We have social and racing waka ama crews catering for a wide variety of ages and abilities.