

Sprint Nationals 2022 Cancelled

Waka Ama Sprint Nationals Update from WANZ Kia ora koutou te whānau o waka ama We hope that you and all your whānau are all safe and well at this...
Maitahi Club racing singlet

Maitahi Christmas paddle and Social

Saturday 18th December has been set aside as the club's Christmas gathering. We realise that the week before the big day might not work for some, but there's not really...

Paddle for Pip-Postponed

Please note that the fundraiser for Pip has been postponed and rescheduled for January 22nd A fundraising day has been planned on 4th December for the lovely Pip Tavite whose...

Maitahi Club paddle – grey, wet and heaps of fun

It wasn't exactly the sort of day the Nelson tourist folks would be advertising - grey, damp, windy and with limited visibility - but all four waka were full of...
Image 30-10-21 at 17.09

Moturoa-Rabbit Island paddle

In typical fashion, the weather and sea conditions forecast for this Saturday have left the planned paddle to Moturoa-Rabbit Island in the balance and will probably continue to do so...

Ki Uta Ki Tai Results & Photos

Results and a few nice photos are available from here

World Championships Qualification News

Below is latest information from WANZ : Kia ora koutou We are pleased to be able to provide you with information, outlining the qualification process for the 2022 World Club Championship...

Paddlefest Next Weekend

With so many events being cancelled it's good to be able to say that, as of today, next weekend's Paddlefest is still on. Run by our friends from Nelson SUP...
Image 30-10-21 at 17.09

WTT Alternative Paddle

Saturday 13th November - Nelson marina A number of Maitahi crews were hoping to head to Kaiteretere for Waka te Tasman, so it's disappointing that we won't get to race...

Sprint Nationals – Vaccination Information

Attending 2022 National Sprint Championships will require paddlers and volunteers to be fully vaccinated. Please see below and you can find the WANZ page here : We understand that it...
Maitahi Outrigger favicon

Sprint Nationals – Decision Timeline

WANZ has announced a timeline for making its decision on whether Sprint Nationals will happen in January. Please see below : We are very much underway with organising Sprint Nationals...
Just wow

Maitahi OCC in Fjordland

A small group of Maitahi paddlers made the long trip South last week for the Ki Uta Ki Tai event on Lake Te Anau. Jeff Neilson and Tony Davies were...

Paddlefest is still on !

For those who have access to singles and doubles, a reminder that Paddlesfest is still on and, fingers crossed, will remain so ! It's a great weekend and a chance...

Waka Te Tasman Cancelled

Sadly, but not entirely unexpectedly, our friends at Moutueka Waka Ama Club have cancelled WTT 2021. The message they put on the WANZ website is below : "After many different...
Image 15-10-21 at 15.20

Winter Series alternative paddle cancelled

I'm beginning too feel like the Grinch. The forecast for Sunday morning looks terrible with very heavy rain and strong winds with the possibility of thunder and lightning. Couldn't be...

Winter Series alternative paddle

At the moment the forecast is for rain on Sunday morning, which literally puts a damper on our plans for getting together as a club and enjoying some time on...
Image 30-09-21 at 13.49

Winter Series Cancelled

After a lot of consideration we have decided to cancel next Sunday’s (October 17th) Winter Series event at Tahunanui beach. Despite having a potentially reasonable number of paddlers it would...

Entries to TWOA Regional Sprints now open

If you are interested in paddling V1 at Sprint nationals, you will need to qualify at Regionals on 11th December at Pegasus Lake. This is also a great opportunity for...